Memorial tree - ELM

Elm, mountain elm, Latin Ulkus glabra, in the local dialect a "Brost"

Let us invite you to visit the oldest and largest elm tree in the Czech Republic, which since February 18, 1972, has the title of "Memorial tree of Czech Republic." Its name is elm, mountain elm, Latin Ulkus glabra, in the local dialect a "Brost."

This year, the municipality of Bukovec placed in collaboration with the technical services of Bukovec, Ltd.  and Czech Woods the notice board called "by the Bukovec paths."

Here is a sample text precisely for this board:

"They call me also Bukovec border guard, apparently because it grows on the left bank of the river Olza in the easternmost village in the Czech Republic named Bukovec, about 1 km from the Poland border (more on, GPS coordinates). This world is looking For a many, many years I look at this world. I remember for the merchant and their wagons from the time of ancient Rome which were ridden across Europe with a precious load of amber or salt. I remember how people laboriously built nearby defenses –  fortifications against invading foreign troops.

References to my age vary. Forecast of 2003 speaks of 280 years. At present, according to experts - dendrologist also due to my size (girth of 715 cm, the height of about 35 to 40 meters) is  my age estimated to 360 ​​years or more. It is said that I can be up to 500 winters old ... with a healthy ego and according to dendrologist rightly belongs to me the best!

Date of insertion: 24. 7. 2016 20:21
Last updated on: 24. 5. 2017 11:47